Is Digital Nomad Legit? Unveiling Truth Behind the Lifestyle

By Stephanie Ansel

Have you heard about this remote work trend called digital nomadism and wondered if it’s too good to be true? As someone who dove into the nomad lifestyle, let me tell you – it’s very real and personally fulfilling when done right! Ditching the 9 to 5 to work and live on the road sounded crazy to me at first.

But with the rise of remote jobs and cheap travel, thousands of people are discovering a happier, healthier way of life. My adventures working from cafes in Costa Rica, houses in Croatia, and everywhere in between have shown me the digital nomad path can absolutely be legitimate both financially and in terms of quality of life. But it does come with tradeoffs and require diligent work.

If you have an independent streak and skills that translate online, constructing your own location-independent career is more attainable than ever. Curious if the digital nomad life could work for you? I’m here to give you the real scoop on turning the dream into reality. Read on!

Table of Contents


Is digital nomad legit?

Yes, digital nomadism is a legitimate lifestyle (1) and career choice for individuals who have the ability to work remotely and travel while earning an income. It allows individuals to have flexibility, freedom, and the opportunity to explore different locations while maintaining their professional responsibilities.

However, it is important to note that being a successful digital nomad requires careful planning, self-discipline, and adaptability to different work environments.

Understanding the Legitimacy of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

What is a Digital Nomad?

YouTube video
Source: Cuecard Productions

A digital nomad is someone who leverages technology like laptops, smartphones, and the internet to work remotely while traveling full time. Digital nomads are location independent – they earn an income without being tied to a physical office.

Remote jobs like programming, content creation, marketing, customer service, and tutoring allow digital nomads to work from anywhere with a wifi connection. Popular destinations include Southeast Asia, Europe, and Latin America for the low cost of living and amenities.

With disciplines like budgeting and time management, the digital nomad lifestyle provides the freedom to travel extensively while maintaining a steady income. It appeals to self-motivated professionals seeking work/life balance.

Is Being a Digital Nomad Legit?

Absolutely – with the right mindset, skills, and preparation, digital nomadism can certainly be a very legitimate remote work career. The internet and growth of remote jobs enable location independence. There are currently around 10 million people worldwide identifying as digital nomads.

However, it does come with tradeoffs. Downsides can include irregular hours, workplace isolation, visa restrictions, insurance gaps, and lack of traditional employee benefits. Maintaining work/life balance, setting boundaries, and having a support network helps mitigate the risks.

Overall, digital nomads with in-demand skills like writing, web development, digital marketing, and more can legitimately earn a living working online. But it requires diligence and adapting to a non-traditional workplace.

Legal Considerations for Digital Nomads

To legally work abroad as a digital nomad, research each country’s visa requirements thoroughly. Many offer digital nomad visas, which allow remote working for 6-12 months. These include countries like Germany, Croatia, Thailand, and more.

You must prove sufficient income and health insurance coverage. Other options are perpetual tourist visas, freelancer visas, or entrepreneur visas. Be sure you comply with all taxes, regulations, and local laws.

Financial Considerations for Digital Nomads

Factors like healthcare, taxes, income stability, and retirement savings require careful financial planning for digital nomads.

Secure freelance contracts or clients before departing to replace your current income. Look into travel healthcare plans and international insurance options. Make quarterly estimated tax payments. Set monthly budgets in each destination. And develop long-term retirement savings habits despite the nomadic lifestyle.

With diligence, digital nomads can absolutely earn and manage money remotely all over the world. But it requires intentional effort and savvy budgeting.

Professional Considerations for Digital Nomads

As a digital nomad, your office culture becomes virtual and solo. Be prepared to avoid isolation and communicate proactively with clients or team members.

Staying organized is also key when working across time zones and locations. Create structured routines that maximize productivity no matter where you are.

While freelancing affords freedom, the inconsistent income and pace requires discipline. Motivation has to come from within when you lack office accountability. But the rewards make it worthwhile for many.

Preparing for the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Checklist and Timeline to Become a Digital Nomad

Is Digital Nomad Legit

Thoughtfully preparing for digital nomad life takes around 6 months. Here is a sample timeline and checklist:

6 Months Before Departure

  • Pay off debts, minimize possessions
  • Build in-demand skills for remote income
  • Line up remote work, freelance gigs, clients

3 Months Before Departure

  • Renew passport, acquire needed visas
  • Purchase important gear and travel necessities
  • Make 1-2 month housing bookings

1 Month Before Departure

  • Begin wrapping up in-person obligations
  • Confirm remote work capabilities and accounts
  • Forward mail, suspend bills and services

1 Week Before Departure

  • Confirm all bookings and logistics
  • Pack and gather final essentials
  • Say goodbye to family, friends, and coworkers

With the right diligent preparation, your digital nomad journey awaits!

Steps to Take Six Months Before Starting

Here are important steps to take 6 months before embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle:

  • Pay off any outstanding debts to minimize obligations. Start budgeting wisely.
  • Build skills in high demand for remote work like writing, coding, digital marketing, etc.
  • Line up freelance gigs or remote work to replace your current stable income.

Laying this foundation sets you up for being able to successfully earn remotely before departing. Start saving up a financial cushion too.

Preparations Three Months Before Departure

Around three months out, shift focus to handling the logistics:

  • Renew passport, acquire needed visas for target destinations
  • Purchase important gear like luggage, travel adapters, backups, etc.
  • Make 1-2 month housing bookings in your first destinations

Also begin telling your landlord, employers etc. about upcoming travel. Start transitioning obligations.

Final Preparations One Month Prior to Travel

One month before departure:

  • Begin wrapping up any remaining in-person obligations
  • Confirm all remote work accounts, tools, and capabilities
  • Forward mail, suspend bills and services, cable, etc.
  • Finalize travel itinerary and bookings
  • Share exciting news with family and friends!
  • Pack and gather any last essentials

The adventure is just around the corner! Tie up loose ends.

Tips for Traveling Without Experience

If you have limited travel experience, review these tips (2):

  • Read up on your destinations’ cultural customs and etiquette
  • Pack light and versatile clothing that layers well for different climates
  • Get translation cards or apps if you don’t know the local language
  • Leave room in your schedule and bookings for spontaneity
  • Start with a comfortable region before venturing farther afield
  • Join digital nomad and expat online groups for destination advice

With an open mindset, your skills will grow quickly!

Choosing Digital Nomad Destinations

Factor in cost of living, safety, visa policy, healthcare access, and infrastructure when choosing destinations:

Southeast Asia – Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia – English friendly, low costs, digital nomad visas

Eastern Europe – Croatia, Estonia, Czech Republic – affordable, nomad visas, well-connected transit

South America – Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina – budget-friendly, culture, nature

Balance slower-paced spots with cities to stay active and connected. Play to your interests!

Considering Community, Reliability, and Cost

When evaluating potential digital nomad destinations, consider:

Community – Look for existing nomad/expat groups to connect with. Coworking spaces help combat isolation.

Reliability – Internet connectivity and speed will make or break your work. Test in advance if possible. Backup accommodations needed.

Cost – Balance affordability with infrastructure and amenities. Budget for your lifestyle – urban or remote.

Do thorough research online and by talking with other nomads familiar with each area.

Realities of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

While rewarding, the digital nomad lifestyle has unique challenges:

  • Irregular working hours to align with clients/team in your home country time zone
  • No traditional office culture or face-to-face collaboration
  • Strict budgeting and money management across multiple countries
  • Securing long-term client contracts or employment for income stability
  • Obtaining proper visas and compliance with local laws
  • Finding community and combating potential loneliness

Be realistic about tradeoffs. But millions thrive under newfound independence.

Benefits and Risks of Nomadic Living

Benefits include:

  • Freedom to travel and experience new places
  • No daily commute, flexible schedule
  • Lower cost of living

Risks include:

  • Unstable income, lack of employee benefits
  • Lacking office community and structure
  • Obtaining healthcare/insurance abroad
  • Communication issues across time zones

Overall, the pros often outweigh the cons for self-motivated telecommuters.

Experiences and Challenges of Being a Digital Nomad

From my travels, here are real experiences and challenges:

Positives: Seeing the world, experiencing new cultures, freedom of time and location. Meeting incredible people. Lower cost of living.

Negatives: Unstable income, hard to separate work/leisure. Can be isolating without community. Jet lag and burnout. Poor internet connectivity.

It’s an ongoing balancing act, but the digital nomad lifestyle is rewarding if you adapt and stay vigilant. Help others by sharing your experiences!

Digital Nomad Scams and How to Avoid Them

Is Digital Nomad Legit

Warning Signs of Digital Nomad Scams

Watch for these common red flags when researching ways to fund nomadic living:

  • Promises of quick riches with little work
  • Expensive “training programs” that lack details
  • Lack of documented income reports from successful followers
  • Emphasis on working for very cheap or “exposure”
  • Pressured sales tactics or limited-time offers

Use common sense and do your homework before purchasing any course or service.

False Promises of Quick Riches

Beware promises of lavish digital nomad lifestyles funded by passive income or online quick money schemes. If something sounds too good to be true, it often is. Steer clear of get-rich-quick gurus.

Building stable remote income sources takes time, diligence, and expertise. There are no shortcuts. Understand that before spending money on schemes.

Expensive Information Products and Paywalls

Also avoid overpriced ebooks, video courses, or membership sites selling generalized information, especially with pressure sales tactics.

Quality guidance is out there for free. Nomadism requires grit, not buying some guru’s system. Beware long “sales funnel” pitches just trying to get your money.

Lack of Transparent Income Reports

If a digital nomad course/program does not provide detailed income reports from successful students, be very wary.

Testimonials are easy to fake. Look for documented earnings proof like bank statements from satisfied long-term followers before investing.

Emphasizing Working Cheap or for Free

Some masters promise lucrative careers, then emphasize working for low rates or “exposure” to start. Don’t fall for this technique.

Your skills and time are valuable. While newbie rates are expected at first, ensure there is a transparent path to quickly earning fair market wages.

Tips to Avoid Digital Nomad Scams

Conducting Extensive Research

Always thoroughly research any digital nomad income opportunity or training program before spending money:

  • Search for reviews by real users describing first-hand experiences
  • Check third party watchdog sites for any scam reports
  • Join Facebook groups or forums focused on that method to crowdsource feedback

Look beyond the hype. Vet the source’s reputation rigorously.

Trusting Your Instincts and Gut Feeling

If an offer seems sketchy, pushy, or too good to be true, listen to your gut feeling. Just walk away.

Legitimate businesses focused on actually helping people succeed have no need for manipulation or dubious claims. Take your time evaluating.

Avoiding Upfront Payments and Guarantees

Never pay huge sums upfront for a digital nomad program or course before evaluating it deeply.

Also avoid anything claiming to guarantee results. This field is not get-rich-quick. Improving your skills takes diligence.

Verifying Income Sources and Track Record

Check that a trainer actually earns from the methods they teach – and has done so for years, not just short term.

Confirm they have helped past students consistently achieve positive results through documented testimonials or conversations. Don’t take claims at face value.

By thoroughly vetting any opportunity and trusting your intuition, you can avoid scams and find legitimate ways to build your remote career. Patience and diligence pay off.

Digital Nomad Jobs and Career Options

Popular Digital Nomad Jobs

With in-demand skills, many professional paths can become location-independent digital nomad careers:

  • Writer/blogger/content creator
  • Software engineer or web developer
  • Digital marketer, SEO specialist, social media manager
  • Teacher/tutor/educational consultant
  • Graphic designer, animator, video editor
  • Customer service rep for global brands
  • Accountant, bookkeeper, virtual assistant
  • Transcriptionist, proofreader, translator
  • Entrepreneur building online businesses

Niche expertise combined with marketing and hustle can be monetized from anywhere with internet access. Figure out your strengths.

Blogger, Writer, and Content Creator Jobs

One of the most popular ways digital nomads fund their lifestyles is by becoming bloggers, YouTubers, freelance writers, or content creators in their field of expertise.

If you’re a strong writer and can market yourself, writing careers allow location flexibility. Build your portfolio and client base. Leverage social media and SEO. Advertising, affiliates, and digital products can provide stable remote income once your brand is established.

Remote Work Opportunities

More traditional full-time remote positions are also a great option for going nomad:

  • Social media, marketing, PR, and content roles
  • Web developers, programmers, SaaS engineers
  • Project managers, product managers
  • Data scientists, analysts, accountants
  • Teachers, nurse educators, therapists
  • Travel agents, customer support reps

Having in-demand technical skills or education credentials expands remote work possibilities greatly.

Freelancing in Various Fields

There are thriving freelance markets that translate well to digital nomad life:

  • Writing, editing, translating, content creation
  • Web design, graphic design, motion graphics animation
  • Programming, app development, IT troubleshooting
  • Consulting, coaching, psychology, counseling
  • Online tutoring in academic subjects

Freelancing requires diligence to find clients, but becomes more stable over time. Build your niche skills.

Online Teaching and Education Jobs

Teaching English or other academic subjects online has long supported location independent lifestyles. Here are some options:

  • English teaching platforms like VIPKid
  • Adjunct college professor/community college instructor
  • Tutoring in various academic subjects
  • Test prep and admissions consulting
  • Curriculum development, course creator

Leverage your teaching credentials and experience remotely. Great for educators wanting to travel!

Entrepreneurship and Online Business Ventures

Many digital nomads aspire to build online businesses that fund their lifestyles completely:

  • Service businesses – web design, SEO, translation
  • Info products – online courses, apps, ebooks
  • Ecommerce – dropshipping, merch, affiliate marketing
  • Blogging, social media, YouTube channels
  • Marketplaces, aggregators, tech platforms

While entrepreneurship involves risk, the rewards can be lucrative long-term.

How to Find Work as a Digital Nomad

Utilizing Facebook Groups and LinkedIn

Great places to uncover remote jobs include:

  • Facebook Groups specifically for digital nomads and remote workers. Join conversations.
  • LinkedIn Groups like Remote Work Jobs #remote. Engage and share your skills.
  • Follow companies and headhunters posting jobs open to remote applicants.

Social media provides nomad community as well as networking.

Exploring Remote Work and Freelance Job Boards

Some well-known remote job and freelancing boards include:

  • FlexJobs – Remote jobs in many professional fields
  • We Work Remotely – Remote tech and professional roles
  • Upwork – Freelance projects of all types
  • Fiverr – Freelance gigs starting at $5

Create killer profiles and proposals tailored to each role you apply for.

Negotiating Remote Work with Current Employers

See if your current job could become remote – many roles can, with the right pitching:

  • Note work efficiencies and perks of remote work
  • Emphasize you’ll remain more engaged with the team
  • Outline your ideal schedule and remote work trial period
  • Highlight time zone overlap if applicable

With open communication and preparation, companies increasingly support nomad staff.

Tapping into Craigslist (Limited Countries)

In certain regions like Europe, Craigslist has local job boards that can provide freelance and remote opportunities. Browse carefully.

With diligence and in-demand skills, you can build a location independent career that funds travel adventures! My best advice is start building experience and income streams at least 6 months before departing. Patience and hard work enable the digital nomad dream. Feel free to reach out with any other questions!


I hope breaking down the truths behind digital nomadism has shown you this remote work lifestyle can absolutely be a fulfilling and sustainable career path with the right effort and skills. Don’t let the instagram highlights fool you – it takes work! But for self-motivated, online-savvy professionals seeking adventure and freedom, the rewards are immense.

If you’re still questioning the legitimacy, check out communities of experienced nomads online who happily live this life long-term. And feel free to reach out with any other questions – I’m always happy to chat more about the reality of nomadism!

At the end of the day, only you can decide if the pros outweigh the cons. For me and thousands more, seeing the world and working remotely has brought purpose and joy. It may just change your outlook too. Open your mind, and the digital nomad journey might take you places you never imagined!

If you need more guide to digital nomad lifestyle, then check it out!



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